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Promo Discount

Promo codes are important for event ticketing as they provide a way to offer discounts or special deals to potential ticket buyers, which can help increase ticket sales and attendance at the event.

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To Add a new Promo code, click on the Create discount button. The Create a discount pop-up window will appear.

Here are the steps to Create Discount for your tickets.

  • Enter the coupon code in the Code Name field.

  • Choose the Ticket for which you want to provide a discount from the drop down menu of Discount For field. If it is a generic discount code, select 'All'

  • Enter the Usage Limit

Note: Usage limit is the number of times the discount code can be used.

  • Select the Discount Type (percentage or amount) from the drop down menu of Code Type

  • Enter the Amount in flat rate or percebtage of the discount under Amount Off

  • Enter the Date and Time of the validity of the promo code from Discount Starts From and Discount Ends at.

  • Set the status of the promo code. Click on Enable or Disable.

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Click on Save to save your discount codes.